Logitech: Release an “open” boot-loader for the Logitech Revue

Posted: December 1st, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Logitech Revue | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Logitech: Release an “open” boot-loader for the Logitech Revue

With the impending death of the Revue coming, we have issues the following call in hopes we can continue developing and improving the platform.

We love the community that has emerged since we started working with the Revue.  As Logitech has dropped the ball, we would like to pick it up and continue improving the Revue.  We have started a petition in hopes of getting this.


Logitech recently announced that they would no longer be making the revue after the current holiday season. After this period the device will receive very little attention and will have a very angry base of original supporters. To help avoid this Logitech should provide a “developer boot-loader” for the Logitech Revue to allow developers to create there own kernels and updates for the device. At its current state the Logitech Revue is completely locked down making it very difficult for developers to add modifications or fix bugs on the device. There are also already a number of teams creating custom ROMs for android devices, unlocking the boot-loader would allow these groups to port current custom ROMs or generate new custom ROMs to the Logitech Revue. With the release of a development boot-loader that allowed such modifications the device would continue to grow and would help un-tarnish the reputation that this device has given Logitech.

Please sign our petition and join the movement! We want to take it from awesome tool, form factor to something really amazing.

HC 3.1 on Revue

Posted: August 11th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Google TV Kernels, GTVHacker, Logitech Revue | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on HC 3.1 on Revue

Since the release of HC on the Reuve, the worlds been discussing all the things possible. You can follow and join in the dicussion on our forums.

Heres the post we received from an unknown source.

Here it is everyone, Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) BETA On the Logitech Revue.


This is BETA, it is not meant to be widely used and has bugs. If that’s something you don’t care about and would like to risk it anyway, install the update. Also, If you want to help Logitech and Google out buy another Revue ( preferably from logitech.com ), at $99 its worth every penny.

If you want to help, mirror this file in as many places as possible. I’m sure it’ll be taken down quickly
